Tips and Tricks on How to Study Effectively
Every school or College teacher encourages students to study and some students may feel as if they are being forced to study. That can cause a negative impact on their productivity if these students do not know how to study effectively. Some teachers may go beyond that by giving some useful methods on how to improve in studying but preferences amongst students can vary. There is no universal method of studying even if there are some proven cases of methods working for high honor students. Studying is all about adding a comfortable execution above these methods that are proven to work. These tips and tricks are made for you to know and organize so you can come up with your own unique and effective studying method.
- Identify your Goals
Study motivation levels can be low if you do not know exactly why you are studying. It always helps to come up with some solid goals so that you have some kind of drive to succeed. You should realize that getting that high score on a test would mean some fine reward with increased grade averages being the most common. Avoiding the possible consequences like doing a repeat of the exam can also serve as a good motivation to put more focus towards studying.
- Make an Effective Studying Schedule
However, some people that realize the goals that need to be achieved may end up getting frustrated and that is never a good thing. In order to learn how to study effectively you have to practice some of your management skills first. Just like studying in general, there is no universal studying schedule that works for everyone. The key to making that schedule is balance. Dedicating a whole day for studying may not very ideal because it is not balanced with other activities that you may have to do for the day. Whether it is simple things like chores or going out with friends, these activities should be present in the equation to avoid stress.
Some trial and error may be required for you to discover that perfect schedule. If there are critical exams, teachers would announce them around 1 day to a week in advance so you have time to prepare. Some people may be contented with studying just a day before the exam so the necessary knowledge is fresh in the mind while others are more comfortable with studying a little bit every day and doing a small review moments before the exam. If you find yourself getting heavily stressed out during any phase of studying, there should be some room for improvement with regards to your studying schedule.
- Mold a Productive Environment

Sometimes the source of your stress can be your studying environment and once again, you have to figure out what that ideal environment is. For instance, some people might be more comfortable with studying while listening to their favorite music while others prefer sitting in a quiet room and start reading away. If you cannot effectively create that environment, you may be able to realize how to study effectively if you go to a more comfortable area like a library or possibly a coffee shop. When creating that studying environment, make sure that your needs to keep your studying going are within reach.
- Try Out Different Tools
One of the needs that should be within reach are your best tools that aid with your study. These days, students use laptops or smartphones as useful devices for studying. When paired with the right applications, you can better organize the things you want to study and emphasize on the things that need the most attention. Typing your key notes is most certainly more convenient than jotting them down on a piece of paper that you might lose. With tablet computers on the rise at lower price points, these devices may make your studying even more effective. If you do not have these tools, try studying with a friend and he or she may help.
- Simplify the Effort
The level of memorization can vary depending on the subject but it is usually present one way or another. Some people may find it easy to get ideas in mind while others need to study more consistently and that may also induce some stress. One nice solution to this is to lessen the effort by simplifying things. For instance, you might find it easier to memorize a list of words if you can come up with some acronym where each letter represents the first letter of a term. Word association may also help you learn how to study effectively if you find it easier to memorize more familiar things than complicated terms.
- Don’t Forget the Breaks
Unless you are very passionate about studying, fatigue can affect the way you study which is why last minute studying isn’t really a good strategy for many people. Don’t forget to take breaks like naps and snacks so you can have more energy to study at longer lengths. Doing this will also improve your mood in studying in general.
- Think Positive
Being afraid to fail in an exam can lower your self-confidence and that can lead to the whole mindset that studying is simply not worthwhile. Solve this common issue and improve on how to study effectively by thinking positive. If you combine this with the rest of the tips and tricks in this article, you should have very little to no problems in handling your big exam.
- Evaluate Yourself
If you think you executed your studying routines nicely and still have some time in your hands, you can try and come up with a test of your own. Depending on the things that need studying, this may take time but the end result is worth it because you take your own test and see how well you do before the big exam hits.
This can give you an idea on how effective your studying really is and whether or not you still need to continue studying. If you did well, congratulations because you can get your well-deserved rest or concentrate on other activities. This can eliminate the last minute stress which is necessary so you can focused best on your exam when it hits. A little bit of reviewing can always help so all of your past studying efforts stay fresh.